Help Orami to get guided by the fireflies to save the turtles!

Controls: Move with arrow keys, jump with space bar.

One day, Orami the cat was left in a big and empty cardboard box. Not realizing what was happening, Orami lived inside the box believing that was his home.

After three years, the cat did not fit in the box anymore, but could not live without it. So he would carry and drag his box until it wore out.

The summer arrived, season when the turtles are born! Orami had never seen turtles before, and thought they should be his family, as they carry boxes like he does. Since then, Orami helps the turtles to get to the sea.


Game Concept: Haya_Eyer, LarissaMCarvalho, Gabi Goulart, Tales98

Programming: Tales98

Art: Haya_Eyer, LarissaMCarvalho

Level Design: LarissaMCarvalho, Tales98

Soundtrack: "Orami Theme" by Gabi Goulart

Sound Design: Haya_Eyer, Gabi Goulart


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